Monday, June 7, 2010

early stupid little brother moments

I actually love my brother, Brad, quite a lot.  But when we were kids, he could be a REAL pest.  He's 5 1/2 years younger than me, but that's NO excuse.  After my 7th-birthday cake was made and decorated, before it was cut, Brad stuck his fingers in it.  After my 8th-birthday cake was made and decorated, before it was cut, Brad stuck his fingers in it and scooped out a chunk.  And I had friends over for a party that time.

At my 9th birthday party, he stepped up his game.  First, he came downstairs to see what we were doing and to steal some attention:

Later, after I'd complained to Mom and he should have been in bed, he made an encore appearance designed to delight the crowd and steal the show, which he did:

I remember him hamming it up for a while and me getting mad before he finally left for good.  And don't you dare say he was adorable.

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